Impact horizon and reflection of an emerging teaching method. DesignBuild sees itself as a holistic approach to teaching architecture: theory, research, and practice are applied by students within a project and through all phases of construction to combine abstract knowledge and real-world experience. DesignBuild projects have received great response from universities in recent years due to their alternative teaching approach and are being applied and implemented worldwide.
Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ
Wilhelmine-Gemberg Weg
610179 Berlin
2. Hof, H1
Dr. Nina Pawlicki, PhD „Agency in DesignBuild“ und Natural Building Lab, TU Berlin
Prof. Ursula Hartig, CoCoon, TU Berlin und ehem. Professorin für Planen und Bauen im globalen Kontext, HS München (2016 – 20)
„ifa_diaspora”, Studierendeninitiative rassismuskritischer Planer*innen, Architekt*innen und Stadtforscher*innen, Institut für Architektur (IfA), TU Berlin
Kollektiv „Atarraya Taller de Arquitectura”, Quito/ Ecuador
Image: Leon Lenk
Through the implementation of many construction projects in the global south, critical voices with the accusation of promoting neocolonial structures in this way are gaining increased
space and the research method is moving into a public and complex discourse. The stigma of a structural power imbalance is attached to it, as are the countless successfully implemented projects around the world.
On the occasion of the exhibition “Experience in Action” at the DAZ, Professor Ursula Hartig, Dr. Nina Pawlicki, the student collective “ifa Diaspora” and the Ecuadorian collective “Atarraya Taller de Arquitectura” discuss the degrees of effectiveness of DesignBuild, the challenges of international collaboration, the moral, ethical and constructional responsibility of all project participants and the importance of parity work in a global context.