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Anna Heilgemeier
CUD - Urban Design and Urbanisation
The Chair for Urban Design and Urbanisation is focused on socially just and climate-conscious urban design for people, plants, animals, fungi and crystals. CUD research and design projects explore the complex history, actual use, ecology and economy of the urban and contemporary modes of urban governance. Cooperative and community-based design processes are investigated, developed and tested in teaching, research and practice.
PIV: Community Design Centre
Societal challenges such as the climate emergency, the scarcity of resources and an increasingly divided society make it clear that we need new approaches to planning and building in cities and beyond. It is also becoming apparent that solutions can only be effective in the long term if supported by civil society requiring new forms of participation and planning culture. The potential of transdisciplinary cooperation currently needs to be exploited. With the CDC, TU Berlin plans to establish a first contact point for innovative planning processes supported by civil society inspired by the US American model of the Community Design Centre. Projects hitherto carried out repeatedly by individual departments will thus have a fixed framework at the Institute of Architecture. The CDC makes long-term cooperation between academic and non-academic actors possible beyond one semester. In addition to the content-related work on projects, the centre also strengthens student initiatives in teaching and secures the long-term focus of academic staff.
Schöner Schöneberg?
Bestand, Design Studio
Die Diversität Berlin-Schönebergs spiegelt sich auch in Gebäudebestand und Freiräumen wider: das Bild des Bezirks ist geprägt von fragmentierten Typologien innerhalb der Berliner Blockstruktur, in denen verschiedene
leben und arbeiten. Unter dem Ansatz des community designs untersuchen wir in
Schöner Schönberg
, wie dieser Diversität in Zeiten der Forderung nach einer Bauwende mit von der Zivilgesellschaft getragenen Planungs- und Bauprozessen Rechnung getragen werden kann. Ausgangspunkt sind dabei 3 Orte in Schöneberg-Nord, an denen aus unterschiedlichen Gründen Stillstand eingetreten ist. Eine Wohnungsbaugesellschaft hat sich zurück gezogen, eine Hausprojektgruppe bangt um die Finanzierung und zwischen Queerer Kirche, stillgelegtem Jugendzentrum, Strich und Eigentumsdevelopments liegt ein fast vergessenes Strassencaree.