CHANGE NOW, ARCHITECTURE LATER: a practice-based exploration of the controversies between university, practice, profession and society that underlie becoming an architect in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous social condition

Supervisor: Eike Roswag-Klinge, TU Berlin
Second Assessor: Prof. Jane Anderson, Oxford Brookes University

Change Now, Architecture Later delivers a personal and situated insight into architectural education as experienced by current students, graduates and educators motivated to pursue transformational agendas. Focussing on the network I have built up over five years at Natural Building Lab (NBL), I use a mixed-method research approach borrowing from ethnographic, practice-based and performative traditions to investigate how transformational aspirations make the transition from university to practice.

Rather than formulating a universal solution for the future of architectural education, the thesis uses a novel set of methods to investigate architectural education through the experiences and actions of those directly involved. It documents an approach to architectural education rooted in collectivity, student empowerment and practical experimentation, thereby contributing to institutional knowledge that can drive wider transformation processes. Furthermore, the thesis provides a vehicle for me to rigorously challenge and critically reconstruct my practice as an architect, teacher and researcher. By pursuing the trajectories of our students and graduates from university into early practice, I aim to understand what educators can do to better support them in pursuing transformational agendas in the university and beyond.

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Key Literature

Participants: Maire Cordts, Reingard Hesse, Leon Klaßen, Max Pfeffer, Lukas Wichmann
With: Matthew Crabbe