ARCHITECTURE – DesignBuild REFLECT, Edition 01
published and financed by the non-profit Sto foundation

Nina Pawlicki, Charlotte Perschmann, Ammon Budde

Design and Typesetting: Janina Zimmermann
Illustrations: Maire Cordts

At the intersection of academic and non-academic environments, DesignBuild projects offer a wide range of perspectives: they connect ivory towers and construction sites, CAD drawing programmes and circular saws, students and non-universitarian collaborators. They operate in the field of tension where practical experience, research and teaching meet. Against this backdrop, DesignBuild_joint perspectives focuses on a collective reflection on DesignBuild as a method of architectural education through the eyes of two main actors: instructors AND students.

Full Publication (free via Issuu)

DesignBuild Joint perspectives builds upon the foundation of two previous works: The master’s thesis “Design-Build in architecture education” by Charlotte Perschmann and Ammon Budde and Nina Pawlicki’s dissertation “Agency in DesignBuild“.
With: Ammon Budde, Charlotte Perschmann, Nina Pawlicki